Your role at Bexley Jack and Jill Preschool

You Are Your Child’s First and Most Important Teacher

We encourage ongoing open and honest communication and partnerships with families as we learn about each child’s abilities, interests,and preferences and develop their individual learning goals collaboratively. Educators and parents work in partnership to develop a learning program that will help each child reach their potential.

Active involvement by parents is encouraged to allow a smooth transition from home to preschool.

We Value Your Involvement, Your Ideas & Your Feedback

As a community-based organisation, the preschool is run by a committee of volunteer parents elected from the parent body. It’s both necessary and desirable that parents take an active part in the running of the preschool. You can participate in the preschool’s management by attending meetings or holding a position on the Parent Management Committee (PMC).

You’re welcome at the preschool at any time and can be involved by joining in the play and learning, volunteering to complete tasks, helping teachers and educators with the children, or even sharing a skill with the children. We’ve previously had parent dentists, musicians, cooks and artists visit our preschool.

We also welcome any help you can provide for fundraising events.